Thursday, February 21, 2008

CAn Honesty Hurt a Relationship

Does honesty help a relationship or it hurts a relationship? This questionbothers many of us when it comes to revealing something serious. Shall I tell him/her about the last night? What if things go wrong? How to tell? What if I do not tell but he/she comes to know about it? So many questions hammer us when we want to hide truth. And revealing truth may be equally serious in our opinion. So what should be done?If we are not totally honest and open with our beloved, that means we are not sure about our relationship. That means that we do not have confidence in each other. That means that the relationship is fragile. Why worry about a relationship, which is fragile. Such a relationship will break for some or other reason.A strong relationship can take any storm. In a strong relationship, we are ready for some disagreement but know that ultimately things will be same as before. In a strong relationship we are totally open with each other. We tell everything to our partner and are sure that no break-up will occur. Such relationship gives joy.If you hide something from your partner you will always suffer from the guilt and worry about hat if he/she gets to know about that. That is not a happy relationship. Such relationships causes tress, rather than giving any pleasure.To get pleasure, have confidence, tell your partner everything about your past,and expect that they will not only understand but also comfort you about that. That is the sign of a open and strong relationship. There is another way out. Draw boundaries and agree about them with each other. I may do something in this area but you have no right to know about that. If such an agreementis drawn and agreed upon by the partnersmany problems get solved. But this kindof relationship is not close. Have yourchoice about what you want to do.
So...any commets from here! feel free ... ;D

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