Monday, September 3, 2007

Scent of A Woman

There I sat looking at the window

Through it lies a sorrowful winddow

Kneeling, weeping , praying

But never noticed what she's feeling

For I was waiting for someone coming

Where in her bosom lies a rose glimmering.

Secods, to minutes, to hours I wait

for lovely, tall woman to pass by

I almost left the door shouting

But my dreams are ruined

For it's the woman praying

Who stands by the door weeping.

Mt anger burts dep inside me

For my heart is not narrow nor steep

But something linger me from giong

Not because of the woman that's praying

But because of a familiar scent

That came from the air the old woman sent.

now I cannot resist

My heart that's broken insists

So I stand up havily

When someine called me heavenly

Is is the girl, whom I am looking for?

No, for it's the old woman by the door!

"Come" she says with sorrow

Standing beside her she tells me a story

"I know you are waiting for someone to bring one


But sorry to tell you she died

When buying that rose, a car towards her collided".

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