Friday, September 3, 2010

handy dandy card

Good day everyone~!Yesterday afternoon it was the annual open house at Webster County. We meet Lorenz's teacher Ms. Anne, she was a nice lady and she tell us, her ways..we parents also updated to our kids progress! Both mom and child to prepare to go back to school.We bought all of his school supply list and I think Lorenz his ready to go back to school.
So before we left I give my mommy cards to the teacher just in case if theirs any problem in the school she can directly reach me. I'm so glad that I have this card, it's professional and neat. My hubby order these for me and he design it and he pick my favorite color for the card. When I received that card I'm so glad to myself, the first time I saw my name in print. It's handy and easy for me to give, especially I don't keep pen in my purse.
Whether you are looking for a job or running a business, giving out business cards is crucial to marketing your skills or services. Even as a job seeker, develop the mindset of running the business of YOU,Inc. Business cards speak volumes about who you are, what you offers and how serious you are marketing You, Inc. as a business. For example! So, you have a resume and don't need business cards. Can you carry 10 or more resumes in your wallet?. Your business cards is your handy dandy card!!

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