Monday, March 31, 2008

World of toys and play

Second day! How can parents make play work for their children, and for them too? We can play with our children at their early years. Playing is not just confined in a specific place or specific time. You can create a playful atmosphere in our daily activities like you can make a game out of counting or by pointing out colors and shapes. And provide a safe, clear space for play and make the play area your child's domain. Children would want to stop playing once they get tired or are hungry, Short , frequent playtime with your child may be the best.
Let your children play in their own way. Don't take over or over-supervise. They will became creative and they will be resourceful too.You may need to show them how to do some things sometimes but it's important to let your children came up with their own ideas.
We have to value our child's play. Appreciate and encourage their efforts, no matter what the outcome, to show and to feel them that they do a good job too!
Play is fun.right? Remember what fun means when we play with our children and we enjoy the moment or this special time with them. The world of toys and play that's what a child's happiness..

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