Wednesday, July 21, 2010

kids are fun!

ss_blog_claim=bc0479439ded185a42c421b8a0bb0abfI have to finish my work online because I have to do my daily laundry , cleaning and preparing meal for the kids because Anthony his still here he spend one more night with Lorenz.They are having fun playing and watching TV. Kids, kids, kids are fun! Even though they make some mess , I enjoy watching them enjoying, and happy .  They are such an innocent creature , they only think is "playing". Unlike us adult we have so much in our brain..problem & problems!
Once we are also a kid like them we experience different kinds of trouble. But I always remind my son that not all the time you have to play you have to know some basics I give him assignments  he will clean his room, bath room and taking the out the trash. Early as now we teach him how to be responsible. They said that girls mature faster than boys because girls normally start puberty earlier than boys.

Maybe not all but most of the girls and also it depends the environment , lifestyle and how his parents rise him/her =)

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