Sunday, November 21, 2010

cleanliness next to godliness ۩✌

It was not a great day for me yesterday the three boys makes me pissed off they been jumping and keep  slamming the door. I'm so tired cleaning the house for the preparation for the Thanks Giving. I let them play outside. Ton and Shaun they always auguring and fighting  each other I shout at them " will you stop" I'm so irritated plus I have my monthly period and cramps! I called their mom and ask her what time they will pick up their sons. Eric called me I told him that I'm not in the mode today the kids make my day! He just laugh at me..I told Lorenz they can't spending their night here anymore cause they wont listen to me. Lorenz  room is all mess, Shaun been rolling and lying down at the dry leaves outside and he came inside and he lying down at Lorenz bed..grrrrrrrrrrr make me mad..Last night Lorenz complaining he feel itchy! I let him change his bed coves and let him take shower. As what Eric said don't start  at me Shaun house OMG the smell of the dog and trash...I don't know these kids don't know who to help and clean their house or own room. I know I'm so hard to Lorenz in terms of  because I told him that will affect you personality!!!! 

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