Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Things in the past

1.hows life? is good amidst the confusion,the chaos, the temptations and thedifficulties. .. God is good.

2.defin e love?'s something really beautiful but becomes ugly when u give it to someone not worthy.

3.def ine life? is what you make it... if youwanna be happy, then be it... :)

4.what are you doing last night?
...sleep naa pay lain?

5.hows your lovelife?'s cool being single:)

6.what kind of life do you have?
... sinful sometimes :( you believe there's still life after death?
...of course :) you want to change your life?if yes,what is it?
...i want to being alone.. would you describe yourself indealing life? cool with it... that i am so strong and brave enough to face all the trials!:)

10.whats the best thing to do to have that perfect love
...pray for it.

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