Tuesday, August 16, 2011

our lil King

The Filipino American Association (FAA) celebrating the Philippine Independence 2011 with the background of the SantaCruzan. StantaCruzan - is a feast of the Holy Cross, is variously celebrated throughout the world. It was originally observed on May 23, at least in the Philippines, although it is no longer on the calendar.

The Snatacruzan Celebration in the Philippines depicts a unique festivity in which a young boy is crowned as King Constantino and a young girl as Queen Elena. This event is popular in certain regions of the country.

Lorenz was crowned as the 2nd King. It was our first time to joined in this organization and of course we don't have enough supporter or friends..the mechanics of this event  if  he/she will make the most "money" he/she will be the King Contantino & Queen Elena. Anyways, it was a great experience for us especially for our son. We enjoy and we really entertained. My friends they are so thankful that we invented them to witness the Filipino culture...

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